Author Julie Sampson (Miller)
Julie Sampson (Miller)

'... balancing the seesaw between the place

where we always were before that one moment,

the one here before us, where

standing by the tree

looking back at you

as I select the frame and flash of time,

in front of you

I must still be.

(Old Black & White Photo flashing back)

Julie Sampson

Independent Writer and Poet


    Thanks so much for visiting my website. If you've stumbled upon the site I hope you may find something to interest you. If not, perhaps there may be a link that will lead you on a path somewhere else that will appeal.


     I am an independent writer/researcher and poet and this is my main website;  a place to collect and collate all my internet linked paraphernalia.  You will find various links to other sites that I've developed and details of texts and poems I have published. 


        See also 

Writing Women on the Devon Land  

an occasional blog,

which focuses on my research and writing about women writers who had Devon connections. 


       There is also an older related blog,

at Scrapblog From the South-West.



Comments Guestbook

Comments: 2
  • #2

    Jessica (Saturday, 13 July 2024 16:18)

    Dear Juliesampson,

    I hope this email finds you well.

    We specialise in creating visually stunning and highly functional websites that help businesses like yours Juliesampson stand out in the digital landscape. In today's fast-paced and competitive market, having a professional and engaging website is essential for attracting and retaining customers. With a proven track record of implementing over 2,000 websites in the UK, our team of experienced designers and developers is dedicated to delivering customised web solutions tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

    Could you please provide us with your phone number so we can schedule a convenient time for your free demo? Alternatively, you can reply to this email with your availability, and we will be happy to accommodate.

    We look forward to the possibility of working with you.

  • #1

    David Lloyd (Tuesday, 23 April 2024 08:07)

    Hi Julie
    Would love you to come to one of our future open mics in Budleigh Salterton
    Best wishes
    David Lloyd